
Health Articles

Exercises For Sciatica

Exercises For Sciatica

Sciatica is one of the major problem these days. It is nothing but a set a symptom including pain caused by general compression irritation of one of five spinal nerve roots of each sciatic nerve—or by compression or irritation of... read more »

How to Stay Fit Without Going Gym

How to Stay Fit Without Going Gym

Staying fit is a major concern of everyone these days.With a busy schedule this has become difficult and people generally end up being sick and broken at a very young age. People with tight schedule finds difficult to go to... read more »

Why You Should Eat Paleo Diet

Why You Should Eat Paleo Diet

What is Paleo Diet?

The Paleo Diet also known as the Paleolithic diet or simply the Caveman diet is a new diet concept that is based on the food that the ancient ancestors might have eaten. It is the healthiest diets... read more »

Exercises to Increase Height

A perfect height is very important for a smart look. Who don't wish to look smart, everyone do, but due to certain reasons proper nourishment to the body is not achieved, resulting in the stoppage of height growth or less... read more »

High Blood Pressure Diet

High Blood pressure is one of the most common diseases that have affected the mankind since a long time. High blood pressures most harmful effect is hyper tension. And with over the time it can cause blood vessel damage that... read more »

Things to Avoid on Your “Mission Fitness”

Things to Avoid on Your “Mission Fitness”

Who doesn’t like eating cheesy burgers and pizzas without it showing a nibble on their stomach. But, sadly it’s not that way. Achieving ultimate fitness is not that easy, it requires dedication and hard work. Although people often are not... read more »

Advantages of Biking to Office

Advantages of Biking to Office

We all have an idea of the pros of biking, but only some of us are ready to sacrifice our luxuries for the sake of biking. Incorporating the biking to office practice in day to day life is not just... read more »

Exercises in Pregnancy

Exercises in Pregnancy

Many doctors recommend some simple and light exercises during your pregnancy. This exercises increases your strength and flexibility. Performing theses exercises will take hardly half an hour. If you feel you are not doing the exercises correctly, please consult... read more »

If Women Should Workout During Pregnancy?

If Women Should Workout During Pregnancy?

The biggest dilemma for women during pregnancy is whether to work out on not? Some suggest that it’s good to go for a little bit of cautious workout during pregnancy, to ensure a good health for the baby. But, there... read more »

18 Tips That Will Surprisingly Swipe Away Your Body Fat

A flat, well-toned body is a desire of all. However, in the busy city lifestyle of today, it's too hard to take out time for yourself and your workouts. Moreover, the night shift jobs, continuous sitting for hours in office,... read more »

Treadmill Weight Loss Program and Action Plan

Doctors and physicians recommend at least 20-30 minutes of jogging or brisk walking. It is the best aerobic activity that can help one stay fit and healthy. Even after knowing this, how many of us stick to the exercise regimen... read more »

Amazing Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercises

Amazing Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercises

Cardio Vascular Exercises also termed as Aerobic Exercises are som of the best ones for maintaing a good health.Benefits of cardiovascular exercises are many. Cardiovascular exercises can be performed by using exercise machines like Treadmills, Elliptical, Steppers... read more »

Exercise for Seniors

Exercises can keep you healthy and fit all through out your life journey. But at a certain stage human body loses strength, balance and also does not have enough stamina, for which it becomes tough to train yourself. At these... read more »

Leg Muscles Also Important – Workouts & Exercises

Leg Muscles Also Important – Workouts & Exercises

It is not your mountain peaked biceps, not the bowling-ball shoulder of yours either and certainly not just your wide V-shaped back but a completely symmetric physique that justifies your complete fitness. Most of the beginners now-a-days do not put... read more »

Tips and Exercises for Increasing Lung Capacity

Tips and Exercises for Increasing Lung Capacity

We all know that Oxygen is an eternal part of our metabolism; we just can't survive without oxygen. Our lungs serve as both home and exporters for oxygen in our body. Everyone loves to have an enormous lung capacity but... read more »

Exercises for Osteoporosis

Certain kind of exercises can strengthen your bones and can also even prevent from diseases like osteoporosis. Persons suffering from osteoporosis. can also get benefited, maintain the bone mass. Exercises not only build muscle and endurance but also maintains the... read more »

Treadmill Desk Reviews & Buying Tips

Treadmill Desk Reviews & Buying Tips

If you have that strongest of urges to catch up on your college-time fitness but your daily office schedule (sitting at work desk for 8-9 hours) spoils this dream of yours, you need not worry a single bit anymore. The... read more »

Fitness Benefits of Yoga

Fitness Benefits of Yoga

This ancient Indian art of Workout has taken the World by storm. The day in day out rapidly growing number of followers of Yoga is a proof of its effectiveness. In fact not just the common men, but the leaders... read more »

Top 10 Reasons Why You Feel Tired

Top 10 Reasons Why You Feel Tired

Just in case you think that you are the only one who suffers frequent fatigues, just relax! There is whole lot of guys complaining the same about themselves. Regaining your energy is not that complicated, as you feel. Actually, in... read more »

Common Problems of a Stationary Exercise Bike

Common Problems of a Stationary Exercise Bike

Stationary Exercise Bike is a kind of cardio exercise machine that offers you the effect of cycling outdoor, no matter how the weather is. It also has other features like, injury free workout, entertainment facilities, different resistance levels, different... read more »

How Does Treadmill Exercise Help to Manage Diabetes

For people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it is essential to exercise. In type 1 diabetes no insulin is produced by the body, while in type 2 diabetes not enough insulin is produced by the body or... read more »

How to Beat Treadmill Boredom & Enjoy Exercise?

How to Beat Treadmill Boredom & Enjoy Exercise?

Running amidst nature and sweating profusely feels truly rewarding. I am taking up running about a couple of years back. Until there were weather fluctuations, running for an hour or two was always possible. But, during rains, my entire regimen... read more »

Top 10 Ironman Treadmills

Treadmills are one of the best home use workout machines. They are one of the best for your whole-body workouts and give some amazing entertainment features. Ironman Treadmill is one of them.

Ironman Treadmills are manufactured by Keys Fitness,... read more »

How You Are Slowing Down Your Metabolism

How You Are Slowing Down Your Metabolism

A set of life-sustaining chemical transformations that are regularly occurring within our body cells is termed as metabolism. It is the metabolic processes occurring inside us that enable us to grow, reproduce, maintain our structures and respond to our environments.... read more »

Protein Supplements Side Effects

Protein Supplements Side Effects

Protein is very essential for muscle building, but there is a limit. Secondly simply consuming protein powders and relaxing on the sofa, won't work, one must workout hard to train well the body muscles. Excessive use of anything is not... read more »

Pilates Workouts & Exercises Guide

Pilates Workouts & Exercises Guide

What is Pilates?

Developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century Pilates is a widely popular workout technique practiced in the USA which emphases on the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility and awareness of your body.Core... read more »

Ketosis Diet

The Ketosis diet or the Ketogenic diet is extremely important for weight loss as it focuses on minimum intake of carbs (around 50 grams of Carbs per day) and making the body use you the fat stored in your body... read more »

Green Tea & Its Benefits

Green tea I made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis which go under minimal oxidation during the processing. Though it first originated in China, it was widely used in Asian countries and it has now caught up with the... read more »

Feed Only The Need – Fitness Diet Plan

Feed Only The Need – Fitness Diet Plan

Many a times, it has been seen that people exercise hard but due to the hunger aroused as a result of the calories lost during workout they eat even harder immediately after that,. However, this is just not the right... read more »

Exercises for Weight Loss

Weight loss is major concern for a huge groups of peoples these days. Different people try different ways to loss weight. Some totally depends on some weight loss pills, some prefer both pills along with some physical exercise and... read more »