
Health Articles

Top 10 Reasons Why You Feel Tired

Top 10 Reasons Why You Feel Tired

Just in case you think that you are the only one who suffers frequent fatigues, just relax! There is whole lot of guys complaining the same about themselves. Regaining your energy is not that complicated, as you feel. Actually, in... read more »

Exercises for Lower Abs

Building your upper abdominal muscles is relatively easy to that of lower abs and are more challenging, because lower abs are positioned under a layer of fat.The lower abs are one of the toughest areas of the body to... read more »

Exercises for Osteoporosis

Certain kind of exercises can strengthen your bones and can also even prevent from diseases like osteoporosis. Persons suffering from osteoporosis. can also get benefited, maintain the bone mass. Exercises not only build muscle and endurance but also maintains the... read more »

Top Health Risks of Obesity

Top Health Risks of Obesity

There is a reason why your doctor tells you to stay away from obesity zone. Basically, Obesity is a serious, chronic disease that has negative effects on your health and a number of systems in your body. Mainly measured by... read more »

Enhance Your Treadmill Workout Results

Enhance Your Treadmill Workout Results

For running lovers, there is nothing like an open track spreading across meters. However, your treadmill back home is nothing less than your backyard track, with added technical amenities as well.You don’t have to look out for a pleasant... read more »

Creatine & Its Benefits and Side Effects

Creatine & Its Benefits and Side Effects

Creatine is a kind of additional supplement that athletes as well as power trainers take to increase their workout intensity, resulting in muscle growth. Different people have different views about the consumption of creatine supplements.

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Exercises for TMJ

Temporomandibular joint disorder, more commonly known as TMJ, can sometime be too pathetic. This is a condition that affects the joint that opens and closes the mouth. The most common symptoms of TMJ are pain or loss of movement in... read more »

Green Tea & Its Benefits

Green tea I made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis which go under minimal oxidation during the processing. Though it first originated in China, it was widely used in Asian countries and it has now caught up with the... read more »

Exercises for Arthritis

Arthritis is a kind of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints. There are several kinds of arthritis that can make your life disturbed. Arthritis problems like decreased pain tolerance, weak muscles, stiff joints and poor balance... read more »

Top Healthiest Foods You Must Include in Your Diet

Top Healthiest Foods You Must Include in Your Diet

We have lots of food in the world that is available for us to eat. But there are some super foods that are easily available and can be eaten daily. Stock your kitchen with all this food which will provide... read more »

Go For CrossFit Workouts

Go For CrossFit Workouts

Exercising the similar sort of routine for longer periods of time is obvious to saturate you both mentally and physically at some point of time. A cross fit workout is something that keeps motivating and challenging you... read more »

Common Problems of a Stationary Exercise Bike

Common Problems of a Stationary Exercise Bike

Stationary Exercise Bike is a kind of cardio exercise machine that offers you the effect of cycling outdoor, no matter how the weather is. It also has other features like, injury free workout, entertainment facilities, different resistance levels, different... read more »

Why Swimming Is Absolutely Best For Weight Loss

Why Swimming Is Absolutely Best For Weight Loss

Swimming has been the ally of mankind since ages. It can be counted as a hobby, as a life saving technique, a sports and as an exercise. But there is no doubt that either way when you swim it helps... read more »

Fitness Benefits of Yoga

Fitness Benefits of Yoga

This ancient Indian art of Workout has taken the World by storm. The day in day out rapidly growing number of followers of Yoga is a proof of its effectiveness. In fact not just the common men, but the leaders... read more »

Protein Supplements Side Effects

Protein Supplements Side Effects

Protein is very essential for muscle building, but there is a limit. Secondly simply consuming protein powders and relaxing on the sofa, won't work, one must workout hard to train well the body muscles. Excessive use of anything is not... read more »

Exercises to Increase Height

A perfect height is very important for a smart look. Who don't wish to look smart, everyone do, but due to certain reasons proper nourishment to the body is not achieved, resulting in the stoppage of height growth or less... read more »

Most Effective and Safe Pregnancy Exercises

The biggest dilemma for women during pregnancy is whether to work out on not?
Some suggest that it's good to go for a little bit of cautious Workout during pregnancy, to ensure a good health for the baby. But, there... read more »

Train for a Marathon Using a Treadmill Running Machine

  • Are you preparing to run a marathon?
  • Is the weather outside making the training difficult?
  • Are responsibilities making it all the more challenging for you to dedicate time efficiently?

If you are facing any of these issues, Treadmill Training... read more »

Ginger Health Benefits

Ginger (scientific name Zingiber officinale) is an herb whose root is widely used as a spice and as a medicine. Ginger was first introduced to the world by India where it was produced a long time ago and was exported... read more »

30-Minutes a day, Put the FAT Away

30-Minutes a day, Put the FAT Away

Often we hear people telling how badly they want to cut down on their body fat but just don’t have the time to work out for it. In the super busy lifestyle of today, people just don’t have time for... read more »

What to Eat Before You Lift

What to Eat Before You Lift

As important as it is to exercise to attain absolute fitness, equally important is your diet before and after workouts. A lot of people believe that going empty-stomach (or on a little bit of protein diet) for workouts makes them... read more »

High Blood Pressure Diet

High Blood pressure is one of the most common diseases that have affected the mankind since a long time. High blood pressures most harmful effect is hyper tension. And with over the time it can cause blood vessel damage that... read more »

Treadmill Weight Loss Program and Action Plan

Doctors and physicians recommend at least 20-30 minutes of jogging or brisk walking. It is the best aerobic activity that can help one stay fit and healthy. Even after knowing this, how many of us stick to the exercise regimen... read more »

How to Beat Treadmill Boredom & Enjoy Exercise?

How to Beat Treadmill Boredom & Enjoy Exercise?

Running amidst nature and sweating profusely feels truly rewarding. I am taking up running about a couple of years back. Until there were weather fluctuations, running for an hour or two was always possible. But, during rains, my entire regimen... read more »

Yoga Poses For Stress & Anxiety

Since time immemorial Yoga has been a boon for the mankind. The techniques and poses of yoga can be performed by people of any age. The yoga postures and asanas help us in not only maintaining our physical self but... read more »

Exercises To Lower Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure can be maintained with the help of regular exercises, but cannot be recovered completely. As you leave exercising after some days, your blood pressure will rise to the original point or may even rise. Regular physical activity... read more »

Treadmill Desk Reviews & Buying Tips

Treadmill Desk Reviews & Buying Tips

If you have that strongest of urges to catch up on your college-time fitness but your daily office schedule (sitting at work desk for 8-9 hours) spoils this dream of yours, you need not worry a single bit anymore. The... read more »

Feed Only The Need – Fitness Diet Plan

Feed Only The Need – Fitness Diet Plan

Many a times, it has been seen that people exercise hard but due to the hunger aroused as a result of the calories lost during workout they eat even harder immediately after that,. However, this is just not the right... read more »

Your Body Speaks, Listen to it !

Your Body Speaks, Listen to it !

Often, it is the case that people are in so much of hurry to stretch their endurance and attain ultimate fitness that they ignore what their body is trying to tell.Once you are on your mission to get absolute fitness,... read more »

Ketosis Diet

The Ketosis diet or the Ketogenic diet is extremely important for weight loss as it focuses on minimum intake of carbs (around 50 grams of Carbs per day) and making the body use you the fat stored in your body... read more »