SCIFIT Inclusive Fitness Pro1

SCIFIT Inclusive Fitness Pro1

About Product Specifications Features Body Parts Cost Warranty Manual

SCIFIT Inclusive Fitness Pro1

The Inclusive Fitness Pro1 is a upper body exerciser and can be used seated or standing. This is a very versatile and highly adjustable exercise machine, ideal for ground based training.

SCIFIT Inclusive Fitness Pro1 Features

  • Adjustable tilt head for all height and ranges of motion
  • Bi-directional exercise
  • True, adjustable step through accessibility.
  • Very low staring resistance
  • Wheelchair platform included.
  • Iso-Strength safe, accommodating strength program
  • Standard, adjustable and bariatric seat options

SCIFIT Inclusive Fitness Pro1 Cost

Price of SCIFIT Inclusive Fitness Pro1 in USD: $5,225.00
Sites selling SCIFIT Inclusive Fitness Pro1 are*:,,
SCIFIT Inclusive Fitness Pro1 Owner’s Manual, Machine Assembly Instruction and User Guide

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