Fitness Articles

Power Workout for Muscle Gain

Muscle gain exercises are many. It depends on you how you categorize these exercises and schedule it to attain the desired result. One can simply categorize these exercises into upper body exercises and lower body exercises. Further divide the upper body exercises into two days work plan and lower body exercises too in the same way. Same kind of exercises can harm your muscles, so try to give gap in workouts. This will not only make your workout interesting but also allow your muscles to rest and expand. Below is the schedule that one should follow to attain significant muscles gain.

Workout Schedule for Muscle Gain

Monday (Upper Body 1)

Bench Press 3 sets of 6-8 reps.
2-3 minutes rest between sets.
Rows 3 sets of 6-8 reps.
2-3 minutes rest between sets.
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
1-2 minutes rest between sets.
Lat Pull-Downs 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
1-2 minutes rest between sets.
Lateral Raises 2 sets of 10-12 reps.
1 minute rest between sets.
Triceps Press-Downs 2 sets of 10-12 reps.
1 minute rest between sets.
Dumbbell Curls 2 sets of 10-12 reps.
1 minute rest between sets.

Tuesday (Lower Body 1)

Romanian Deadlifts 3 sets of 6-8 reps.
2-3 minutes rest between sets.
Leg Press 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
1-2 minutes rest between sets.
Seated Leg Curls 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
1-2 minutes rest between sets.
Standing Calf Raises 4 sets of 6-8 reps.
1-2 minutes rest between sets.
Abs x sets of 8-15 reps.
1 minute rest between sets
Dumbbell Curls 2 sets of 10-12 reps.
1 minute rest between sets.

Wednessday (off)

Thursday (Upper Body 2)

Pull-Ups 3 sets of 6-8 reps.
2-3 minutes rest between sets.
Barbell Shoulder Press 3 sets of 6-8 reps.
2-3 minutes rest between sets.
Seated Cable Row 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
1-2 minutes rest between sets.
Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
1-2 minutes rest between sets.
Dumbbell Flyes 2 sets of 10-12 reps.
1 minute rest between sets.
Barbell Curls 2 sets of 10-12 reps.
1 minute rest between sets.
Skull Crushers 2 sets of 10-12 reps.
1 minute rest between sets.

Friday (Lower Body 2)

Squats 3 sets of 6-8 reps.
2-3 minutes rest between sets.
Split Squats 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
1-2 minutes rest between sets.
Laying Leg Curls 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
1-2 minutes rest between sets.
Seated Calf Raises 4 sets of 10-12 reps.
1-2 minutes rest between sets.
Abs x sets of 8-15 reps.
1 minute rest between sets.

Saturday (off)

Sunday (off)

After the second week repeat the workout, same as the first week and so on. With the gradual increment of workout repetation, try to increase the weight from the previous session.

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