Exercises for Neck
Neck pain can sometime annoy you. Light pain can be overcome by the help of these simple exercises. For severe pain please consult a physician.
Neck Exercises
Tilt From Front To Back
Stand straight or just sit straight and slowly tilt your head back, so you can look up. Hold in the same position for seconds and then slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise for 5-10 time for effective result.
Tilt From Side To Side
Either stand straight or sit down, keeping your head straight. Now slowly tilt your head to the side and remain in the same position for some seconds and then return to the starting position. This time move your head slowly to the other side and alternatively repeat the exercise for 5-10 times. Don’t go so far that you touch your ear with your shoulder.
Rotate Head From Side To Side
Stand straight or just sit straight, slowly turn your head as far as you can and hold on on the same manner for few seconds and come back to the original position. Now in the same manner move your head to the other side and hold for some seconds. Alternatively repeat the exercise for 5-10 times.
Side Resistance
Standing straight, hold one hand against the side of your head and use your hand to resist the movement as you try to touch your shoulder with your ear. Hold this posture for a count of 5 and then relax and repeat the exercise for 5-10 reps, 3 times a day for better result.
Forward Resistance
Just hold both your hands against the forehead. Now try to move your head forward but resist the movement with your hands. Hold in the same position for few seconds and then relax and repeat the exercise for 5-10 reps, 3 times a day and get effective result.
Backward Resistance
This time place both hands behind your head and try to move head backwards, but resist the movement with your hands. Hold in the same position for few seconds and then relax and repeat the exercise for 5-10 reps, 3 times a day and get effective result. Remember don’t tip chin.