Exercises for Lower Abs
Building your upper abdominal muscles is relatively easy to that of lower abs and are more challenging, because lower abs are positioned under a layer of fat.The lower abs are one of the toughest areas of the body to target. Lower ab exercises often involve raising your legs to put strain on your lower abs. The leg raise is one of the best lower ab exercises that will get you lower abs. Lowers abs are the main part to focus while working out for 6 or 8 pack abs and need regular workouts and more hard-work. Here are some of the main and excellent lower abs exercises that is surely to give you the desired results.
List of Lower Abs Workout Exercises

Bicycle Crunch
Bicycle crunches are the one of the mostly done abs workout that focuses on both upper and lower abs which build strong abdominal muscles. It will result in making got strong core abdominal muscles. Lie down on the floor now raise you both legs and place hands by the side of your head. Now bend you knees and bring it toward you chest in opposite direction which means if you are pulling you right leg towards chest than your left elbow should move up. Do these workout for about 10-12 reps in 4 sets and increase accordingly.

Leg Static Press
This activity will torch the fat of your lower level abs zone and will support the center muscles. Lie face up with your knees and hips twisted 90 degrees, feet flexed. Expand your arms and press both palms on top of your thighs. Take a full breath in, and as you breathe out, support your abs in tight, pressing your lower back against the floor as you push your thighs into your hands, pushing over against them Hold for 1 number and after that discharge. Do up to 3 sets of 10 reps in succession.

Flutter Kicks
Lie on your back with your arms out by your sides and move both of your legs over your hips as straight as you can. Now release your left leg straight down towards the ground the extent that you can control without touching the ground. Rapidly raise your left leg move down while at the same time bringing down your right leg towards the ground. Substitute here and there and then here again, proceeding the movement for particular numbers of reps.

Russian Twist
The Russian Twist is a fantastic core workout that focuses on the abs, obliques, and lower lumbar through a turning movement at the torso.Sit with your knees curved, heels resting on the floor.Tilt your middle back and curve your chest up towards the roof to straighten your back and straighten your spine.Hold your arms out before your chest and turn at your middle, pivoting your shoulders as far left and to right as you can. Turning left and right is one rep.

Make a circle with Leg workout
It’s an extraordinary approach to focus on the lower abs.Lie on your back and move your legs straight over your hips, thighs pressed together and knees bolted. Stretch out your arms out to your sides with palms down for support.Draw a little circle with your feet specifically over your hips.Continue the movement for a set number of reiterations or a set time period, rotating between drawing clockwise and counterclockwise loops.

Hanging Knee Raise
This is an advanced lower abs exercise that obliges something that you can swing from, for example, a pull up bar. Start by clutching an overhead bar and hang easily in the air. Breathe out and gradually lift your legs , collapsing at the hips. Try to time the depth of your exhale with how high you lift your legs. The higher you lift, the more you exhale.Once your legs are as high as you can lift them, stop for a minute You ought to have next to no or no air in your lungs. Perform 1-3 sets for 10-20 moderate reiterations