Ab Exercises for Women
Almost every woman like to have a flat and attractive belly. Maintaining such belly requires some cleaning eating along with some serious physical exercises. Abs Exercises for women are must to do things if you want the clear cut abdominal muscles right in you belly.Theses exercises are generally divided into three sections: upper abs, obliques, and lower abs. Pick any two exercises from each section and do one to two sets. Here below we have listed some best abs exercises for women that focuses both upper and lower abs muses.
List Upper Ab Exercises for Womens

Crunches on Exercise Ball
Sit on an exercise ball, place your hands behind your head and walk your feet away from the ball so your torso starts to roll on to the ball. Remember the ball should support your hips and the curve of your lower back. Now try to lift your upper body by about 45 degrees, pulling the deep abs in towards the spine and return to the starting position. Try to repeat the exercise for 25 reps.

Pilates 100s
Lie o n your back with your legs in table top position. Now engage your deep abs to round your lower spine and make sure you are not “pooching” your abs. Now straightening your legs to a 45-degree angle lift your upper back off the floor, until the bottom tips of your shoulder blades skim the floor.
Try to reach your arms towards your feet, keeping about 2 inches off the floor. Then keeping your elbows straight, pump your arm up and down with a small range of motion. Inhale for five arm pumps and exhale for five pumps. That completes one set or cycle. Repeat cycle nine more times for a total of 100 pumps.

Seated Russian Twist
Performing this exercise is very simple just sit on the ground with your knees bent and your heels about a foot from your bum and keeping your back straight, lean slightly back without rounding your spine. Now place your arms straight out in front of you with your hands one on top of the other and pull your navel to the spine and twist slowly to the left. Now inhale and slowly twist right. Remember the movement comes from the ribs rotating and not from your arms swinging.

Bicycle Crunch
Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground. Interlace your fingers and put your hands behind your head. Now keeping straight your right leg, at 45 degree off the ground, bring your left knee in toward your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the ground and turn your upper body to the left. Now switch sides and do the same exercise for the other side too. Try to do 10-20 reps in a controlled motion.

Twist Side Plank
Come into a side plank on your right side, with your feet stacked one on top of the other and your weight on your right elbow with your fingers reaching away from your body, palm down. Place your left arm behind your head and inhale to prepare. Exhale and pull your navel to your spine to engage your deep abs and rotate your left ribcage toward the floor.
Stay there for a second and deepen your abdominal connection pulling your navel in toward your spine even more. Return to starting position and repeat seven more times for a total of eight reps, then switch sides. Repeat series again on both sides.
List of Lower Abs Exercise for Womens

Hanging Ab Curl
This exercise for lower abs is quiet simple but need enough strength. Get grip on a pull up bar with your arms, legs hanging straight down. Exhale and pull your abs toward your spine and bend your knees lifting them toward your chest. Now without swinging slowly lower your knees to the starting position. Repeat the exercise atleast 10-12 times for perfect result.

Double Crunch
Another effective exercise for training your lower abs. Just lie on the floor, on your back, raising your arms and legs to a 90 degree angle and engage your abs to lift both your shoulders and pelvis of the ground. Try to touch your fingers to your toes. After sometimes slowly lower them back to the starting position and similarly repeat the exercise for atleast 20 times.