Why We Get Fat: And What To Do About It by Gary Taubes

Why We Get Fat: And What To Do About It by Gary Taubes

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Why We Get Fat: And What To Do About It by Gary Taubes

Why We Get Fat: And What To Do About It is a popular book on weight loss, written by Gary Taubes. In his book reveals the the bad nutritional science of the last century—none more damaging or misguided than the “calories-in, calories-out” model of why we get fat—and the good science that has been ignored. He also answers the most persistent questions: Why are some people thin and others fat? What roles do exercise and genetics play in our weight? What foods should we eat, and what foods should we avoid? Persuasive, straightforward, and practical, Why We Get Fat is an essential guide to nutrition and weight management.

Author of Why We Get Fat: And What To Do About It

Author-Gary Taubes

Price in USD-$11.45


Publication Date-Reprint, December 27, 2011

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